作者: 【加】帕蒂哥莉(Patti Gully
譯者: 張朝霞
出版年: 2012-1
頁數: 427
ISBN: 9787536063419




內容簡介  · · · · · ·

作者簡介  · · · · · ·

帕蒂•哥莉(Patti Gully),加拿大女作家。主要研究中國航空史(1913-1937)和中國女飛行家(1918-1945)。曾與廣東恩平馮如研究專家關中人(已故) 合著兩卷本《五邑華僑與中國航空》。最新作品爲反映美籍華人、中國第一代飛行家、曾任民國廣東空軍司令部參謀長的林福元的人物傳記《時光飛逝》。


目錄  · · · · · ·

第一章 顔雅清:心靈之生
第二章 李霞卿:天驕傳奇
第三章 鄭漢英:鷹擊長空




Sisters of Heaven: China's Barnstorming Aviatrixes: Modernity, Feminism, and Popular Imagination in Asia and the West

In the late 1930s, as the world moved closer to war, three vivacious Chinese women defied gender perceptions by becoming pilots. Driven by a fierce independent spirit, they realized their dream of flying, completed barnstorming goodwill missions across the Western Hemisphere, and captured the imagination of all those whose lives they touched.

They were Hilda Yan, once China’s representative at the League of Nations; Li Xiaqing, known as film actress Li Dandan before becoming China’s “First Woman of the Air”; and Jessie Zheng, the only commissioned female officer in the Chinese Air Force.

In a story almost forgotten to history, Patti Gully’s exhaustive research delves into the personal lives of these women, uncovering their fascinating personalities, loves, passions, and above all their overwhelming sense of patriotism and duty. In a time when no Chinese woman could even drive a car, these aviatrixes used flight as a metaphor for their own freedom as well as a symbol of empowerment.

Gully shows how, despite their success, their relationships with men were checkered and stormy, leaving behind the wreckage of broken marriages and the children they abandoned—the price they ultimately paid to realize their dream of flying.

With an uncanny eye for detail and technical accuracy, Sisters of Heaven offers a rare look at a lost era in aviation history, gender studies, and the history of China and the West.

Patti Gully is a graduate of the University of Winnipeg. She holds a BA in arts with an emphasis on English, religious studies, and classics. She also holds an MLIS from the University of British Columbia. She is an amateur pilot and aviation history scholar and lives in Vancouver.


Paperback: 448 pages
Publisher: Long River Press (September 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1592650759
ISBN-13: 978-1592650750
Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 1.2 x 9.1 inches






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