美國太空總署(NASA) 最新的氣候研究......
Today on Supreme Master Television the following news was featured:
NASA climate scientists report new data. This week, NASA climatologists said that new data suggests that the Arctic Ocean may have no more ice by 2012. Jay Zwally, of NASA's climate change research team, said that the ice was melting "much faster than previous predictions" supposed. He explained that the presence of the Arctic sea ice reflects about 80% of the sun's heat, stabilizing the temperature of the ocean. Top NASA climatologist James Hansen stated, "We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back in time – but it is going to require a quick turn in direction."
2008年1月7日 無上師電視臺的焦點新聞如下:
根據美國太空總署(NASA) 本周最新的氣候研究, NASA 的氣象學家對外宣佈北冰洋的融冰速度將導致在2012 年出現無冰現象。NASA 氣候變化研究小組的茨瓦利說北冰洋冰層融化速度大大超於去年的預測,現存的北冰洋冰層可以反射 80% 的太陽輻射,來穩定現在的海洋溫度。NASA 的首席氣象學韓森聲稱儘早行動,我們就能挽回這一切。
Thank you NASA scientists for your important research and encouragement toward immediate action. May we all be inspired to do our utmost to protect our incomparably beautiful planet Earth.
非常感謝NASA 的科學家的重要研究以迅速回應。希望我們每一個人可以得到啓發,盡我們的全力來保衛美麗的地球。