父親生前愛吃肉,死後下地獄,「清海師父」親自帶我救我爸爸上來 My father loved meat when he was alive and went to hell after he died:https://youtu.be/34YN39NRIpw
內在體驗:吃肉的人在地獄受苦,持純素+懺悔=拯救自己!People who eat meat suffer in hell. Be vegan, Repentant = Save your soul! : https://youtu.be/0_wiN32pIu0
真實故事:在餐館裡提供肉類的人的地獄之旅 True story: Journey to hell of people serving meat in restaurants! :https://youtu.be/pYkhRC0DDpo
COVID-19病毒來自被人類殺害的動物。吃純素+懺悔,才能消弭災疫!Viruses souls came from animals that were slaughtered by humans. :https://youtu.be/Fzan5V29Ue0