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受訓機種為P-39. 該型機原為租借法案中預定援助我國的機種之一.

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中華民國航空史研究會 新史料

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Lieut. W. S. Hsu in an Army training ship gets instructions from Lieut. Robert M. Nichols, U.S.A June 25, 1942. (AP Photo)

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Lt. Kawn-Chen Tang waves from cockpit of U.S. Army training plane at an Eastern Air Base somewhere in New England on June 25, 1942. Many Chinese pilots are receiving advanced operational instruction at this base under the direction of the U.S. Army. Upon completion of the course they will return to the front of China. (AP Photo/John Lindsay)

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One of China’s most popular pilot-heros, Maj. Lung Ming-Teh, twice-decorated by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, points to the number on a United States Army bomber at the La Junta, Colorado, air base April 25, 1943. On the 18th day of the ninth month, 1932, the Japanese invaded lung’s home province in Manchuria and this B-25 bomber might help drive the invader away. The major and the five Chinese pilots – all sub-lieutenants-are training at La Junta. They are, left to right: Hsu Tien-Chi, Tsao Kwang-Kuei, Yang Shun-Wei, Yi Ying-Cheng and Wu Chieh-Sung. (AP Photo)

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Warplane identification is a “must” in the training of pilots. Lt. Earl M. Green, (with pointer) spots a plane for the benefit of seven Chinese Army pilots at the U.S. Army Air Base, La Junta, Colorado on April 25, 1943 where Green in an instructor. The Chinese sub-lieutenants, training at La Junta, are, left to right: Chao Sheng Ti, Philip Y. C. Hsia, Allen H. S. Huang, Hsieh Kwei Kai, Hwangi Sung Sun, Anthony A. F. Han, and Chang Yi Sheng. (AP Photo)

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張昌國, 籍貫漢口市, 民國七年生, 1946/6國共內戰期間剿共殉職 .

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