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華盛頓大學海洋學家,亦是此研究主要作者沙拉‧波基(Sarah Purkey)表示:「過去的研究便已顯示海洋上層正在暖化,我們的分析結果則確定了海洋深層儲存了多少來自於暖化的額外熱度。根據觀察,暖化現象一直到海底都存在。」
波 基與共同作者葛瑞格利‧傑克森 (Gregory Johnson)解釋,諸如二氧化碳與甲烷這些溫室氣體存在於大氣中,會使得地球變熱。在過去數十年之間,這樣的熱能至少有80%進到海洋中,並在此過程 中使海洋暖化。傑克森是太平洋海洋環境研究室的海洋學家,該研究室位於西雅圖,是美國國家海洋暨大氣管理局旗下的研究機構。
作者指出造成此深海暖化的數個可能因素──南冰洋的風向轉向、所謂的南極底層水(Antarctic Bottom Water)在密度上的改變,或是底層水以多快的速度在南極大陸周圍形成、在何處沉入海底並填補在這塊世界各大洋中最深且最冷的地方。
波 基與傑克森指出,過去數十年間,在南極洲周圍海域海平面上升的幅度之中,南冰洋的深海暖化每年便佔有1.2毫米的上升值。Sea Level Rise Linked to 20 Years of Deep Ocean WarmingSEATTLE, Washington, September 20, 2010 (ENS)
Scientists analyzing 20 years of measurements taken in the deep oceans of the world find a warming trend that is contributing to sea level rise, especially around Antarctica.
"Previous studies have shown that the upper ocean is warming, but our analysis determines how much additional heat the deep ocean is storing from warming observed all the way to the ocean floor," said Sarah Purkey, an oceanographer at the University of Washington and lead author of the new study.
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, cause heating of the Earth. Over the past few decades, at least 80 percent of this heat energy has gone into the ocean, warming it in the process, explain Purkey and her co-author Gregory Johnson, an oceanographer at the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research facility.
Their study, "Warming of Global Abyssal and Deep Southern Ocean Waters between the 1990s and 2000s: Contributions to Global Heat and Sea Level Rise Budgets," will be published in an upcoming edition of the "Journal of Climate."
The study shows that the deep ocean, below about 3,300 feet, is taking up about 16 percent of the heat that the upper ocean is absorbing.
The authors note several possible causes for this deep warming - a shift in Southern Ocean winds; a change in the density of what is called Antarctic Bottom Water; or how quickly that bottom water is formed near Antarctica, where it sinks to fill the deepest, coldest portions of the ocean around much of the planet.
The scientists found the strongest deep ocean warming around Antarctica, weakening with distance from its source as it spreads around the globe.
While the temperature increases in the deep ocean are small - about 0.03 degrees Celsius per decade in the deep Southern Ocean, less elsewhere - the large volume of the ocean over which they are found and the high capacity of water to absorb heat means that this warming accounts for a huge amount of energy storage, the authors say.
If this deep ocean heating were going into the atmosphere instead - a physical impossibility - it would be warming at a rate of about three degrees Celsius (over five degrees Fahrenheit) per decade, the authors say.
"A warming Earth causes sea level rise in two ways," explained Johnson. "The warming heats the ocean, causing it to expand, and melts continental ice, adding water to the ocean. The expansion and added water both cause the sea to encroach on the land."
Sea level has been rising at around three millimeters (1/8 of a inch) per year on average since 1993, with about half of that caused by ocean thermal expansion and the other half because of additional water added to the ocean, mostly from melting continental ice.
Purkey and Johnson note that deep warming of the Southern Ocean accounts for about 1.2 mm (about 1/20th of an inch) per year of the sea level rise around Antarctica in the past few decades.