目前分類:國軍飛機尋根 (252)

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P-51D-5-NT Col. Ed Rector AVG ace Hangchow Nov 1945.jpg

座機後排是同大隊76中隊的P-51D機群, 這批飛機後來移交我空軍.  瑞克特從美籍志願隊時期就在華作戰至二戰結束共有10.5架的擊落記錄.

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Winner Airways B-308.7.jpg


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11764-tokyo-haneda-airport-1960 B-1531.jpg

(MSN 11729) delivered June 8, 1943.  In USA.  To RFC Dec. 16, 1944.  converted to a DC-3A, registered as NC49554 for Western Airlines, leased 1941.  Bought Aug 1949.  To L. A. Clarke Aug 7, 1956.  Then to Japan Airlines as JA5050 Sep 24, 1958, All Nippon AAV Co Nov 2, 1963, then to China Airlines as B-1531 registered Apr 22, 1956. April 1973 operated by China Air Lines under subcontract with Air America Saigon as EM-3. On December 29, 1973 crashed on landing Dalat/Cam-ly (V-08), South Vietnam. The pilot was unable to safely stop the aircraft prior to reaching the end of the runway, he elected to ground loop the aircraft to the left and departed the runway on a heading of  250 degrees. The aircraft came to rest on a very steep slope after traveling180 feet off the end of the runway, pivoting into a final heading of 223 degrees. The three CAL crew members and the six US passengers were uninjured. The aircraft was substantially damaged and was abandoned due to proximity of land mines at the crash site. The wreckage was released by the DCA on January 04, 1974, parts and components were salvaged, and the wreckage was removed on January 10, 1974.

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PHOTO: https://drfc-ob.com/wp/archives/88730

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Photo: https://aflyinghistory.com/browse-aeroplane-photographs?collection_id=1&box_id=55&page=3

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C-48B 42-56629.jpg


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圖: 網路

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3rd Combat Cargo Squadron.jpg

照片攝於1945年9月1日,從香港的日本拘留所撤離了解放的戰俘。飛機是CBI戰區戰鬥貨運特遣隊第1戰鬥貨運大隊第3戰鬥貨運中隊(3rd CCS, 1st CCG, Combat Cargo Task Force, CBI COMBAT CARGO UNITS)的C-47。這架飛機於1945年12月19日移交給了中國空軍。

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2018-06-12 01:06:56 航空知識 20186


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時間:2019-09-04 欄目:航空知識

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編號210的P-51C, 從棋盤格狀機尾識別圖案可知, 她原是駐華美軍51大隊25中隊的飛機, 轉交給中美混合團5大隊26中隊, 該中隊識別圖案為機尾頂端為黑色.  這架210號成了罕見兩個中隊的識別圖案集於一機的特殊案例.

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中國人民的勝利 1950[15-53-35].JPG

中國人民的勝利 1950[15-58-08].JPG

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Kangwan 1946-386 ex.16FS.jpg

Photo: internet

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019-10-29 22:11聯合報 記者程嘉文/台北即時報導

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417 FBS Hahn Air Base Germany Nov 1952.jpg

這架s/n 52-4656 在1952年時隸屬美國歐洲空軍第50戰轟機大隊第417戰轟機中隊(417th FBS/ 50th FBG)駐防西德哈恩基地(Hahn Air Base).  後修改為RF-86F偵查機並移交我國, 我空軍編號001.

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