Bob Bergin (Author)
David Lee "File Size: 104 KB
Print Length: 31 pages
Publisher: Banana Tree Press (May 14, 2012)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
ASIN: B0083UI4C0" Hill has been called the most outstanding fighter pilot and air combat leader of World War II in China. He went to Asia with the American Volunteer Group (AVG) Flying Tigers, and stayed on with the U.S. Army Air Forces to become a triple ace. He participated in some of the AVG's most significant actions, leading the strike that stopped the Japanese advance at the Salween River gorge in May 1942. As leader of the U.S. Army Air Forces 23rd Fighter Group, he planned and led some of the most devastating sorties of the air campaign in China, including the first raid against the Japanese air forces on Formosa. This is "Tex" Hill's story in his own words, as told to Bob Bergin.
- Aug 29 Thu 2013 01:41
China Legend: Flying Tiger Ace "Tex" Hill, An Interview (Flying Tigers)