
位於斯德哥爾摩的「北歐之光」飯店(Nordic Light Hotel)將是「北歐尚選飯店集團」(Nordic Choice Hospitality Group)第一家推行週一無肉日的飯店,今天稍晚將以派對的方式揭開此活動的序幕。



「我們相信我們找到了一個非常好的機會表明我們的態度,同時讓我們的客戶有機會主動有意識的參與肯定的事物。」「北歐之光」在一份聲明書上說:「我們非常 榮幸成為世界上第一家在週一的菜單上完全去除肉食的飯店。我們希望以潮流及意識來加發我們客人的靈感,烹飪及美味更不在話下。」





Meat Free Monday - Light Inspired!

At Nordic Light Hotel we always have meat free Mondays. That is, no red meat it served at our hotel on Mondays. This is to inspire to new ways of working with sustainability in the field of hospitality.

The Meat Free Monday-project encourages people all over the world to reduce their meat consumption. It’s a simple, yet effective way to help slow climate change. It’s also giving your own health a boost.


At Nordic Light Hotel, we want to inspire to new ways of working with sustainability in the field of hospitality. We continuously strive to challenge ourselves and find new ways to improve our product and stand point with regards to our environmental work.  We therefore felt it as a natural step to see how we could further develop our corporate social responsibility within Food & Beverage.


We have for the last few years put a lot of focus on the breakfast selection and have now reached a level where we always offer at least 50% organic products with local produce as a focal point. With Meat Free Monday, we believe we found an excellent opportunity to make a statement while at the same time give our customers a chance to actively and intentionally take part in something positive. No red meat is served in the hotel or the employee cafeteria during Mondays and our regular a la carte menu is replaced with an extended version including only meat free options.


We are proud to be the world’s first hotel to eliminate meat from all Monday menus. We love to inspire our guests with trendy, conscious, not to mention delicious, cooking. Welcome!


Read more about Meat Free Monday at www.meatfreemondays.com



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