What it would mean to the United Kingdom if its citizens adopted a diet with no meat.
Marianne Thieme co-founded the Party for Animals in the Netherlands, a political party with the stated platform that animals are to be treated with respect by humans. She is the leader of the party in the Dutch Parliament.
Marianne Thieme co-founded the Party for Animals in the Netherlands, a political party with the stated platform that animals are to be treated with respect by humans. She is the leader of the party in the Dutch Parliament.
Ms. Thieme clearly defined what it would mean to the United Kingdom if its citizens adopted a diet with no meat.
Marianne: If everyone in the UK ate no meat for 7 days a week, they would save 91 mega tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
Indeed, this would be the same as eliminating all greenhouse gas emissions from 12.5 million households in the UK.
Indeed, this would be the same as eliminating all greenhouse gas emissions from 12.5 million households in the UK.
That is half of the UK households. If all British people ate a meat-free diet for 6 days a week, this would create greater carbon savings than removing all the cars off the UK roads, 29 million cars.
If everyone in the UK abstained from eating meat for 5 days a week, they would save 65 megatons CO2 of greenhouse gas emissions.
This would save more than the emissions reductions that would be achieved if the total electricity used in all households in the UK was eliminated.
If all British people ate no meat for 4 days a week, they would save 52 megatons CO2 of greenhouse gas emissions.
This would lead to greater carbon savings than taking 70% of all cars in the UK off the road.
And 3 days no meat would have the same positive effect on reducing greenhouse gas emissions as replacing all household appliances, such as fridges, freezers, dishwashers and washing machines with energy efficient ones, insulating walls, installing double glazing, energy efficient boilers, and thermostats.
VOICE: Ireland's most widely read daily newspaper Irish Independent, invited Supreme Master Ching Hai for a telephone interview to share her views on what needs to be done to save the planet.
The following is an excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai's answer to the Irish Independent journalist's question of what kind of world we will have if we all become vegetarian.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: We will not have any more Earth; we will have Heaven. Because the atmosphere that we generate, which is all loving and kind due to the vegetarian diet,
which means no killing, no abusing, and no suffering to animals, and also no sickness for us, will be more peaceful, more benevolent.
The positive will attract positive, and we will have abundance of all necessity.
And we'll have a happy conscience, and a loving heart will return to our beings, humans and animals alike.And then we'll be living in perfect harmony and peace.
瑪麗安蒂瑪(Marianne Thieme)是荷蘭愛護動物黨(Party for Animals)的共同創辦人,此政黨的黨綱為,人類應尊重對待動物。她在荷蘭議會裡,代表愛護動物黨發言,蒂瑪女士清楚指出,如果英國公民吃素,對英國造成的影響。
清 海無上師:「地球會成為天堂,我們會享有天堂。我們散發的氣氛,會完全是愛心與和善。因為素食不殺生、不虐待、不傷害動物,我們也不會生病,會更和平、慈 善。正面能量,會吸引正面能量,我們所需會永不匱乏;我們享受快樂的福報;我們對人類及動物,都會有愛心;我們會生活在完美的和諧之中。」